SFI, Swedish for immigrants

SFI is an education for those who don´t have Swedish as their first language. You will learn the basics of how to read and write in Swedish. You will also practice on using the language in your daily life and in your future work. The education is free. You can study during the day, in the evening, on weekends or distance.

To be entitled to study SFI in Upplands Väsby you:

  • are at least 16 years old.
  • don't have knowledge in Swedish.
  • have a home address in Upplands Väsby.
  • have received your personal id number.

You also have the right to study SFI if you:

  • are an EU/EES or Swiss citizen and have a co-ordination number. Your citizenship has to be shown with your passport. You also have to show us a written certificate that shows that you live in Upplands Väsby.
  • are an EU/EES or Swiss citizen without personal identity number or co-ordination number. Your citizenship has to be shown with your passport. You also have to show us a written certificate that shows that you live in Upplands Väsby.

If you have questions about SFI, contact the adult education by phone number 08-590 970 42.

Different levels of studying SFI

SFI is divided in different kinds of levels. You will be placed in the right level based on your educational background. You will also be placed depending on your knowledge in languages.

UHR- Swedish Council for Higher Education

If you have a foreign education UHR can evaluate it for you. The evaluation takes about six to nine months.

Application for recognition of foreign qualifications on UHR's web page External link.        

Application and Student aid

The school will contact you via e-post or SMS within three to four weeks after you have send in your application. The school will inform you about the day and the time when you start your studies.

At SFI level you can't apply for student aid.

Sfx - Swedish for professionals

Do you have a profession from your home country? Do you want to learn Swedish quickly? Would you also like to validate your qualifications and start to work? To do this you can apply for SFX. You will learn Swedish within your professional field. The goal is to shorten your way to employment. There are courses in ten different fields.

Information about Sfx on their website External link.

SFI and basic Swedish with a vocational education

You have the oppurtunity to study SFI with a vocational education. We offer educations for example in health care and child care. Contact the adult education for more information on how to apply.

Civic orientation

Are you new in Sweden? Then you might have the right to take a free course in civic orientation. You will learn about your rights and obligations. You will also learn about Swedish democracy and how the society works.

The course provides you with important information to ensure a good start in Sweden. You will take the course in your language.

To sign up please contact us by E-mail vux@upplandsvasby.se.

Information about civic orientation on their website External link.

Senast uppdaterad: 9 April 2024